Business Structuring Advice & Assistance

A key part of our Small Business Specialist advice is in identifying and recommending the best business structure.

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in this area that we employ to not only recommend the best structure but to ensure that it is properly created with all the appropriate registrations and banking facilities linked to appropriate business accounting software. We assist our clients through all aspects to be operational in a business structure that they understand and provide ongoing backup and advice in its operations.

Our business structure advice focuses on two key aspects:

  • First and foremost for us is Business Risk. We recommend structuring that is designed to protect the family home and assets, and to protect business and investments from collateral risk should one or other suffer and event

  • We structure to allow for flexible profit and incomes, where possible, but always with a regular weekly/monthly “earned income” outcome that protects ownership of profits throughout a business year cycle.

  • We structure for best income tax outcomes and for capital gains discounts and outcomes

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